Dance Update.
So today was my first rehearsal/class since Thanksgiving break started on Monday. I got there early to stretch and warm up and I found out that one of the girls in the piece I am understudying sprained her ankle! So I am her as of further notice. We think she will be better by the performance (which starts Dec. 13th) but if not, then I get her part. I do of course hope she gets better soon!
Anyway today I did her part, and it was a killer! I haven’t danced in a week and then doing a 15 minute dances en pointe… well lets just same my legs felt numb!!!
Best wishes all! I have a lot of practicing to do!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Dance Update.
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 2:08 PM 3 Delightful Musings
Labels: Dance Update.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving all!!
In light of the season, I thought I would list 5things I am thankful for! Here I go…
1. My family. I am so blessed to have been born into my family, they love me and have done an excellent job taking care of me and teaching me about the Lord!
2. My Friends. Again I have been blessed with Christian friends who help me stay on the right path.
3. My Dancing! I thank God everyday for giving me a body that is so well equipped for ballet!
4. Technology! I don’t know what I would do without Internet access and my cell phone!
5. Good health. My family has been very blessed with good health.
So what are you thankful for?
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 9:06 AM 3 Delightful Musings
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I can't... I have rehearsal!
Oh man! I’ve been so busy! I’m not traveling 1 hour away every day for rehearsals! The performances begin on December 13. I’m excited but I’m also looking forward to being done! Sorry if I don’t update for a while, but with ballet, rehearsals and school, I’m super busy!!!
Peace out! (me resting between rehearsals at the theater).
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 11:14 AM 4 Delightful Musings
Thursday, November 13, 2008
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
** Though no one dared to leave a comment on my previous post, I hope you all understand how heavily this issue has been weighing on my heart.
Here in the Midwest it’s starting to get rather cold. I finally got to break out my winter jacket, scarves and boots! I don’t really care for the snow and cold, but I love winter clothing!
I can’t believe Christmas is only about a month away, I really should start thinking about gifts and such, but I think I will take some time and enjoy Thanksgiving first. Sometimes this holiday gets over looked because of Christmas, but I intend to fully enjoy eating way to much this year!
Rehearsals for our “Winter Celebration of Dance” are getting crazy! I have them about every day for the next 2 weeks because our performances are on December 13 and 14. Everything is starting to come together and I can’t wait to do everything in costume! I’ll try to get some pictures for you guys soon.
Best Wishes!
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 7:04 AM 2 Delightful Musings
Labels: Christmas, Cold, winter, Winter Celebration of Dance
Monday, November 10, 2008
“Q: Do you personally believe that life begins at conception?
A: This is something that I have not come to a firm resolution on. I think it's very hard to know what that means, when life begins. Is it when a cell separates? Is it when the soul stirs? So I don't presume to know the answer to that question. What I know is that there is something extraordinarily powerful about potential life and that that has a moral weight to it that we take into consideration when we're having these debates.”
This video clearly shows the answer to this question. Do not try to tell me that what you just saw can not be considered a person or alive.
I am going to state the fact of the matter clearly in one point:
If you are not prepared to have a child, then do not have sex. You can not be fully prepared to have a child unless you are married because a child needs both parents (though I understand that God has a different plan for some people). Thus simple logic would be that you should not have sex until you are married.
Don’t be selfish and give in to you own desires, there could be another being depending on you.
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 8:08 PM 0 Delightful Musings
Labels: Abortion
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Winter Make over!
Well its getting cold where I live, and I thought it would be nice to give my blog a “winter feel”. What do you think? It is easy to read? Does it catch your eye?
Ballet update: I was called in last night to perform at a fundraiser, one of the girls I had been understudying was sick and so I took her place. It was a great opportunity (though I’m sad the girl was sick), I really enjoyed myself and I feel like I know what I need to be working on for our showcase (which has been given the name “Winter Celebration of Dance”).
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 9:24 AM 3 Delightful Musings
Labels: ballet, makeover, winter, Winter Celebration of Dance
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A lot to say!
As I’m sure you all know, Obama will be out next president. I can’t say I was surprised that he won but I was very disappointed. What are your thoughts on his win?
All I have to say right now is “These are the times that try men’s souls” but God is in control and this is all part of His plan for us.
In other news, I’m really excited about one of my school projects! I’m going to write a paper (hopefully 3 to 5 pages) on a person who inspires me. I chose Alina Cojocaru, because she is my favorite dancer! Here is my opening paragraph! Please tell me what you think, I can use all the help I can get so let me know what changes I should make!
Alina Cojocaru, My Inspiration
Everyone has someone who inspires him or her, someone who motivates you to keep doing what you’re doing. Though I have never meet Alina Cojocaru in person, I feel as though I know her.
While searching though ballet images one day, I found stunning pictures of a slim brunette ballerina with gorgeous extensions and a love for ballet that could be seen even in the stillness of a picture. After much research I was able to find out whom she was and even had the good fortune to see videos of her dancing. I was awestruck by her talent and the joy I felt while watching her perform.
P.S. Thank you Judi for being so thoughful and kind!
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 9:42 AM 3 Delightful Musings
Labels: Alina Cojocaru, Obama
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thank you all for your patience, I know it’s been a while since I updated.
I’ve been feeling really down lately, and insecure. It seems like all my friends always have someone who likes them, and I’m always the odd one out. It makes you start to wonder what is wrong with you.
I’ll try to update with something happier soon.
"True love is when you shed a tear and you still want him.
It's when he ignores you and you still love him.
It's when he loves another but you still smile and say "I'm happy for you."
When all you really do is cry..."
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 2:02 PM 1 Delightful Musings