After much procrastination… here are some of the pictures from after my performance! We still haven't recieved any of the pictures taken from the actual dancing, but when we do I will be sure to get them posted! That last pictures is one of me and my little sister (who wants to be a ballerina horse rider when she grows up ;D )
Monday, December 29, 2008
My Performance Pictures!
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 9:45 AM 2 Delightful Musings
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Fun
Santa didn’t bring me what I asked for on my ballet wish list, but I was very blessed by what I did receive! I was giving some wonderful things but none of them compare to the feeling you get when you are spending time with family and remembering Gods great sacrifice for us.
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! Did you get anything super cool?
As for my ballet life… it’s been slow. We are in the middle of our 3-week break and I’m going a little crazy! I haven’t danced in a week and a half!
I decided that it was unhealthy for me not to dance (my eye was beginning to twitch lol) so I stretched for a couple hours, and then decided to dye my old pointe shoes green! These are some pictures I took.
I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
P.S. I'll be uploading pictures from my big preformance soon! =D
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 8:25 AM 2 Delightful Musings
Labels: ballet, Christmas, pointe shoes
Monday, December 22, 2008
My Ballet Christmas List…
I wonder if Santa can give me these things instead of presents!
Higher Extensions like this…
Amazing turns like this…
A ballet body like this…
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 5:17 PM 3 Delightful Musings
Monday, December 15, 2008
10 honest things about yourself.
List 10 honest things about yourself.
Ok here goes:
1. I am a facebook addict. I’m always on… I think it would be wise to seek help :P
2. I used to read at least 3 books a day. Now that I’m a senior I don’t have time anymore, and it makes me sad.
3. I love anything Victorian. My room is all old fashioned and I collect antique dresses and keep them in an antique hope chest.
4. I still watch Disney movies and my favorite is the Little Mermaid.
5. Sometimes I think I’m not learning enough because I’m home schooled and think that I won’t succeed after I graduate.
6. I’ve always loved Ireland, I’m not sure why though. Maybe God has something planned for me that involve Ireland and her people… I’m not sure yet.
7. I’m afraid I will never get married and be a mom because I’ve never had a boyfriend.
8. I always joke about how I am going to win the lottery and buy a castle in Ireland. But deep down I hope it comes true ;)
9. I was a vegetarian for a while because someone said I couldn’t do it.
10. I have pride issues that I am working on. I used to say that the only thing I feared was failure, I now realize that its pride.
I tag Judi and Hannah
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 1:22 PM 2 Delightful Musings
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Its opening night!!!
Here are some pictures I took at dress rehearsal. There are so many things going wrong! 3 people are sick so we are reworking the entire dance the night of the show!!! AHHH
I’ll let you know how it turns out!
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 9:17 AM 3 Delightful Musings
Labels: ballet, Opening Night, Pictures
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
3 Days!
The countdown to opening night has begun! This Saturday we will perform what we have put hundreds of hours of time into. I’m really excited and a little nervous! Friday is our Dress Rehearsal, we will be at the theatre all day making sure every little detail is perfect for Saturday night.
Hopefully I will get some good pictures that I can share with you all.
Wish me luck!
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 10:00 AM 3 Delightful Musings