Isn't this picture beautiful? ^^
Well I went to yet another trip to the doctor and see my MRI results.
After sitting in the waiting room for about 30 minutes, we were moved to the actual doctor’s office where we sat for another 30 minutes. Finally the doctor himself showed up and told me that he didn’t know what was wrong.
So after all this time I am still no closer to discovering the reason for my hip pain! *sigh* But I thank you all for your prayers! At least I didn't find out I have to have surgery or somthing! :)
BUT! I do have so good news! I have enough students signed up to teach my three classes a week! I’m so excited to share my love of ballet with new students!
Current Mood:
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 7:47 AM 2 Delightful Musings
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wow! My life has been pretty stressful these past few days!
I have been working at the dance studio, doing shoe fittings and odd jobs for students. I’ve also been trying to get organized and ready to teach. Putting my student list and class times together has been a lot more work than I thought! And I will begin teaching my first class on the same day that I have a huge audition!
I have been worried about doctor issues too. I have another appointment on Wednesday to see how my MRI turned out. I am praying everything is fine.
I also started school today, which was nice. I enjoy learning, but with everything else going on it was a little crazy!
I know God has a plan and is trying to teach me something (probably to trust Him when things get stressful! Haha) I hope you are all fairing well!
Current Mood:
Stressed out!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Feeling Good
My MRI went pretty well the other day. Thank you for the kind words Judi! It wasn't as scary as I thought, and it was kind of relaxing laying there. I hope everything turns out well and that I don't have any serious problems with my hip.
In other news, its rainy were I live. For some odd reason I find myself in a better mood when it rains! Does anyone else experience this?
Current Mood:
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 11:19 AM 3 Delightful Musings
Labels: MRI, Rainy days
Monday, August 18, 2008
I went to Orthopedics today, and I have to go back on Wednesday and get a MRI. They still don’t know what is wrong with my hip, so I get to go be at the doctors for 2 hours. I just hope everything is OK and I’ll be able to get back to dancing when the term starts in two weeks.
Have any of you ever gotten a MRI? What should I expect?
Mood: Apprehensive
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 5:30 PM 1 Delightful Musings
Labels: Apprehensive, MRI
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Last Girls Night Out
I am so unbelievably tired! My friends and I had our last official Summer Girls Night Out, it was a blast but I stayed up way to late and can hardly focus on anything at the moment. I might have to run over to Starbucks and get some coffee (Starbucks = A Ballerinas miracle cure).
I start school on Monday, but I’m not sure how much I will actually get done because I have to visit Another doctor. I’ve been the doctor for a hip problem a few times and had some X-rays taken, but there is still something wrong… I hope I can get it all cleared up soon.
Anyway, I’m off to get some coffee!
Current Mood:
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 8:25 AM 2 Delightful Musings
Labels: coffee, girls night out, sleep, sleepy
Friday, August 15, 2008
Starting School
My parents have decided that we will start school on Monday. My siblings and I are all homeschooled from grades Kindergarten to Senior, my mom is our teacher and she is amazing! I’m really excited for my senior year to start, I’m ready to do something besides deal with summer boredom!
When does your summer vacation end?
I’m also excited because my regular ballet classes start up in September! I’m going to be dancing or teaching everyday of the week, which will be great! I also have auditions coming up for our “junior company” and for other ballet programs.
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 10:21 AM 0 Delightful Musings
Labels: ballet, homeschool, school
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I’m excited to tell you that I found a job! I’m going to be teaching 3 ballet classes twice a week at a local studio! I’m so glad to have found a job that I will not only love, but will help me to become a great ballet teacher! Classes start the second week of September, I’m very excited!
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 8:35 AM 8 Delightful Musings
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New Beginnings
Well summer is almost over for all of us, it seems to have gone by so quickly! I decided that I should start a separate blog to write about all the non-dance related things in my life, that way I could have my dance blog be all about… well dance!
So here are a few facts about my (that you may not have known) to start off “The Life of a Real Dancer” blog!
Grade: Senior in Highschool
Siblings: 3
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Eras: Regency, Victorian, and Civil War
Years Dancing: 5
Favorite Books: Pride and Prejudice, anything by Lori Wick and Janette Oak
Thanks for reading!
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 1:22 PM 2 Delightful Musings
Labels: Facts, First Post, New beginnings
Currently Watching
North and South (BBC)
If you have seen Pride and Prejudice and enjoyed it, You will LOVE this movie.
Set against the backdrop of Victorian England's industrial north, it follows the fortunes of Margaret Hale, one of 19th century literature's most original heroines.
Played by Daniela Denby-Ashe, Margaret is a privileged, middle class southerner who is forced to settle in the northern town of Milton.
Margaret takes instant offence to the town and its people. She becomes terribly lonely and hates the dirt, noise and lack of civilisation, blaming their new way of life for her mother's ailing health.
Her distaste for the town and its people extends to handsome and charismatic cotton mill owner John Thornton, (Richard Armitage), whom she believes epitomises everything she dislikes about the North.
However, Margaret gradually begins to settle in Milton. Her social conscience awakens and she befriends some of the local mill workers, learning about their poverty and workplace struggles.
As events conspire to throw Margaret and Thornton together, the two spirited characters have to overcome their repressed physical attraction for one another and conquer prejudices of class and circumstance.
Written by
Thoughtfully Composed by The_Ballerina at 1:14 PM 0 Delightful Musings
Labels: BBC, Currently Watching, North and South, Pride and Prejudice